John Keegan

Title: The Face of Battle: A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo, and the Somme


Book Description:

The Face of Battle is military  history from the battlefield: a look at the direct experience of individuals at  the “point of maximum danger.” Without the myth-making elements of rhetoric and  xenophobia, and breaking away from the stylized format of battle descriptions,  John Keegan has written what is probably the definitive model for military  historians. […]

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Title: The Second World War


Book Description:

This book approaches the war from a thematic and periodic standpoint. The course of the war is divided into six passages and attached to each is an analytical narrative of a battle, which exemplifies a mode of warfare special to this war, such as city sieges, an air battle, an airborne operation, an aircraft carrier […]

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Title: Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda


Book Description:

In fiction, the spy is a glamorous figure whose secrets make or break peace, but, historically, has intelligence really been a vital step to military victories? In this breakthrough study, the preeminent war historian John Keegan goes to the heart of a series of important conflicts to develop a powerful argument about military intelligence. In […]

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