The Battle of Guadalcanal

Title: Battle Cry


Book Description:

Battle Cry is a fictional novel set during World War II, focusing on the experiences of a group of U.S. Marines in the Pacific Theater. The book follows the 6th Marine Regiment as they train, deploy, and fight through some of the war’s most challenging and pivotal battles, including Guadalcanal, Tarawa, and Saipan. Uris, a […]

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Title: Pacific Blitzkrieg: World War II in the Central Pacific


Book Description:

Lacey closely examines the planning, preparation, and execution of ground operations at the corps and division level for five major invasions in the Central Pacific: Guadalcanal, Tarawa, the Marshall Islands, Saipan, and Okinawa. The commanders had to integrate the U.S. Army and Marine Corps into a single operational force, something that would have been difficult […]

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